If You Are Looking For World –Leading Lightning Protection, Look No Further Than The Edge Engineering designing a lightning protection system is far from simple. The requirements vary from building to building and protection system options are several. For lightning protection, we follow several renowned International standards like NFPA 780, BS EN/IEC 62305, NFC 17-102 as the world there have two types of lighting protection methods are prominent. We May Offer You Conventional as well as Smart Lightning Protection(ESE) Solutions As A Turnkey Basis.
A faster system than Franklin Passive Rod is ESE Air Terminal which creates an upward propagation streamer for creating a path for lightning. This has a higher protection area then a conventional Franklin Rod. The protection radius is calculated according to Annex C in French standard NF C 17-102. For OPR 60,
limiting the value of ∆T used in the protection radius calculations to 60 µs (limited 60 µs in accordance with the paragraph 5.2.2 of the NF C 17-102 standard).
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